Commercial Leases – Landlord and Tenant

We provide clear, practical, appropriate advice on the complex issues that can arise in a commercial lease before, during and after the relationship of landlord and tenant exists.

Commercial Leases

Our commercial property solicitors act for both landlords and tenants in relation to commercial property leases. Our experienced team advise on the most suitable commercial solutions for any circumstance from both the landlord and tenant perspective.

Our services include:

  • Advising on and negotiating terms
  • Resolving issues prior to agreed terms and during the term of the lease
  • Dealing with licences to assign, alter, underlet or change of use

Landlord and Tenant

Our team can assist at all stages of the transaction, from the start of the negotiations to the completion of the deal. We can provide specific and bespoke advice for commercial landlords, tenants and property management agents.

Our commercial landlord and tenant expertise covers:

  • Grants of new leases
  • Assignments of leases
  • Sub-lettings
  • Lease renewals
  • Lease extensions
  • Lease variations
  • Rent reviews
  • Lease surrender
  • Forfeiture
  • Issuing possession proceedings
  • Service charges
  • Dilapidations
  • Landlord and Tenant 1954 Act Notices and Proceedings
  • Licences for alterations

Commercial Property Acquisitions and Disposals

Acquisitions and Disposals

We act for buyers and sellers of freehold and leasehold commercial property across the country....

Development, Planning and Infrastructure

Advising commercial and residential developers....


Providing a full service to a wide range of banks, financiers and borrowers....

Construction & Engineering Solicitors

High quality legal, commercial and practical construction advice....

Nick Nyunt

Partner, Head of Commercial Property

Matt Grellier

Partner, Head of Construction & Engineering

Kuits FSQS registered
Kuits good employment supporter