
Should the regime for legally binding marriage ceremonies be reformed?

The Law Commission published a report detailing a suggested reform to the Marriage Act 1949 as it fa...

Buyer beware

The National Security and Investment Act 2021 – Buyer (and Seller) beware!

If you are acquiring an interest, or increasing your interest, in any entity (including for example,...

New Register of Overseas Entities introduced

The Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement Act 2022 (‘the Act’) received royal assent on 1...

Building Safety Act

The Building Safety Act

The Building Safety Act 2022 was introduced as a response to the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in 20...

Charities Act

Charities Act 2022: key points on charity land

The Charities Bill 2021-2022 received Royal Assent on 24 February 2022, becoming the Charities Act 2...

Statutory books

Statutory Books

What are they,  why should your business have them and what can you do if your business doesn’...

Food labelling

Important Changes to Menu Labelling in the Food and Drink Sector

As part of the Government’s initiative to encourage the food and drink sector to offer lower calor...


Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI): Everything you need to know

Introduced in 2000, Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) are an increasing popular form of share o...

Companies House: From Passive to Active

Introduced in 2000, Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) are an increasing popular form of share o...

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