Probate Disputes

Trustees, Executors and Beneficiaries Disputes

Executors and Trustees have a duty to all the Beneficiaries under a Will or Trust to administer the Deceased’s estate or Trust property with due dil...

Incorrect, lost or destroyed will

Incorrect, Lost or Destroyed Wills

Changing a Will before death A Will can be changed by either making a new Will or Codicil to an exis...

Will disputes

Will Disputes

It is important that any action to contest a Will is taken quickly following the passing of the Dece...

Probate Disputes

Expert advice and practical support in disputes relating to Inheritance, Trust and Will disputes.

Predatory Marriages: Protecting Vulnerable Loved Ones from Exploitation in Wills

You may recall the wonderful Mrs Merton once famously asking Debbie McGee the question “what first...

Increase in contentious probate cases

We wrote last year explaining the reasons behind the increasing number of contentious probate claims...

Difficulties in proving undue influence in disputed estate cases

The recent decision of the Court of Appeal in the case of Rea -v- Rea, which overturned an earlier H...

probate disputes

Disappointed Beneficiaries

Richard Wilson, Associate, Contentious Probate The Daily Mail has reported on the case of the estate...

Disputed Wills and Contentious Probate

Kuits’ contentious probate team recently met a client whose stepmother had died. She was disgruntl...

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