Dispute Resolution

Manufacturing Disputes

We understand the types of contracts that can be impacted by manufacturing disputes.

Engineering Disputes

Kuits Construction and Engineering disputes team have experience in working with clients in a wide r

Court of protection

Partnership Disputes

Our commercial litigation team has expertise covering all aspects of partnership

Director disputes

Director Disputes

We have the expertise to advise both corporate and individual parties in dealing with Director dispu

Contract Disputes

We provide proficient and pragmatic advice on a wide range of contract disputes.

Professional Negligence Claims

Negligent advice from a professional can have a damaging impact on both individuals and businesses i...

Probate Disputes

Expert advice and practical support in disputes relating to Inheritance, Trust and Will disputes.

Property disputes

Property Disputes

With so much value attached to property, disputes and disagreements are unfortunately part and parce...

Construction disputes

Construction Disputes

Construction disputes often arise due to the complex nature of construction projects and the number ...

Kuits FSQS registered
Kuits good employment supporter