Corporate Law

Cameron Shaw

Profile Cameron is a solicitor in the corporate team. Areas of expertise Cameron qualified as a corp...

Oliver Sanson

Profile Oliver is a Paralegal in the Corporate Law team. Career Oliver qualified in July 2023 and st...

Buyer beware

The National Security and Investment Act 2021 – Buyer (and Seller) beware!

If you are acquiring an interest, or increasing your interest, in any entity (including for example,...

Christopher Lane

Profile Christopher is a Trainee Solicitor in the Corporate department. Areas of Expertise Christoph...

Tyler Ross

Profile Tyler is a Trainee Solicitor in the Corporate Department. Education Tyler attended the Unive...

Statutory books

Statutory Books

What are they,  why should your business have them and what can you do if your business doesn’...


Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI): Everything you need to know

Introduced in 2000, Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) are an increasing popular form of share o...

Companies House: From Passive to Active

Introduced in 2000, Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) are an increasing popular form of share o...

Kuits advises leading UK waste management company on latest acquisition

Manchester commercial law firm Kuits has advised UK Waste Solutions Limited, owners of Novati, Click...

Kuits FSQS registered
Kuits good employment supporter