Home / Success for solicitor’s Channel swim
15th July 2022
On Monday 4th July, Manchester-based solicitor, Daniel Adcock-Kirsh, successfully swam solo across the English Channel. Dan, a Litigation Associate at Manchester law firm Kuits, took on the challenge to raise funds for Northcare Charity which supports NHS staff, patients and families across hospitals and community services in the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust.
Commenting on his swim Dan said; “What an epic adventure! English Channel solo swim completed in 14 hours and 9 minutes. So many people to thank for their help and support. Friends, family, Uswim Adventure, the OW swimming community, Kuits and my Kuits colleagues and of course my wife and children. Without them it would not have been possible. The swim itself had it all. A 1AM start, night swimming, an unforgettable sunrise, sunshine and turquoise waters, jellyfish stings, a seal and all manner of sea vessels to avoid! The final 2 hour push to beat a very strong tide, choppy seas and headwinds in French coastal waters was very tough, particularly after 12 hours of constant swimming (and left a few people following the tracker biting their nails!) but was worth it when I finally touched land in France.
I would also like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has or will be donating to my chosen charity, Northcare, who do amazing work supporting the NHS in and around north Manchester. Your generosity has been overwhelming and the donations will make a big difference to many lives.”
If you’d like to show your support for Dan’s heroic effort to raise much needed funds please donate here